Saturday, August 23, 2008

Bel C*nto

Today as I sat with my morning coffee, perusing the usual music blogs and websites, I found myself looking at the NPR music website. Lots and lots of  great stuff on this website. "1,000 essential recordings you must hear", blogs by interesting people, music reviews for every genre, and all kinds of music news. Best of all, I have actually heard of most of the artists that are discussed or described, unlike the music and bands on a certain other website even though it is my homepage. 
This post is not about music, though. No, this post is about the Beavis or Butthead-like feeling that washes over a person when they find a sublimely perfect typo. 
So as I was saying, I was browsing the NPR music website when to my surprise I saw this headline:

I thought maybe the word was cut off, you know, maybe it was supposed to say...twotone? Twotimes? Twotentwo?
So I opened up the article to find out. No...nothing was cut off. It's really just supposed to say "two":

Maybe someone had a grudge against the sopranos on the different recordings, or maybe the author just has sex on the brain in general.In any case, the seventh grader in me knew it was going to be a good day. Now if you will excuse me, I am off to the pubic library.


Anonymous said...

I love love love the npr site, lots of good stuff on there!

Love that typo, you dirty bird.

Anonymous said...

you have pitchfork as your homepage? don't you feel guilty? i go there and feel like a dirty bird just for seeing what news there is. like "oooooh, mega hipster approved because it's on pitchfork!" (you should read that in a low, grovelly voice spoken somewhat quickly). and then they give the things i think i'll like bad reviews.
also: your mom. just because.

Emilie said...

Why's everyone keep saying "dirty bird"?

Anonymous said...

I love calling people dirty birds!
And by the way, I said it before this "Dan" character. He is not very original. Ha!

But I do enjoy:
also: your mom. just because.


Also, thanks for posting a link to my blog!

Emilie said...

but of course, you cheeky monkey. After all, you were blogging before it was so darn trendy. You have been blogging for so long, you should form a splinter group and call it something else. Then you can say, "blogging is so three years ago, I (insert new name) now". Except that saying something is so three years ago is so totally so three years ago.