For one thing, I found this bag at a local shoppette:
The birdies are both shades of my favorite color of blue:
The best part is that the bag is not leather, it is PVC, which the girl behind the counter assured me was endangered. Death to all the Naugas and PVC that still insist on walking the earth!!!
I haven't bought anything for myself in quite some time (well, a few weeks...but that would be like a heroin addict not touching smack for a day or two, so I think I have come leaps and bounds), and yes, I bought it. I deserve it, and it makes me happy.
Know what else makes me super f*cking happy? The fact that another day passes and my babies are all safe and sound. Here is a picture from about two minutes ago, where they are all settled in to their "spot":
Ninja Kitty Wells and her 22 digits:
Monsignor Earl, avec sa moustache:
...and Miss Lily. The best part about this is that she is relaxed...and happy. She has horrible allergies so any moment that she isn't itchy and suffering I breathe a sigh of relief for her. Observe, she sleeps. Ahhhhhh......
Next up? My HOUSE. Usually I have an office day on Mondays, and much of this day I do my workin' from home. However, my house is usually in such a state of disarray and messiness that one would think a rabid leafblowing machine got loose in said apartment, wreaking havoc on all that is inside. Unfortunately, it is just a manifestation of my psyche, which happens to usually have "clothes all over its floor" so to speak. You can imagine the effect this has on my workaday productivity.
Yesterday I woke up with the will to clean like I hadn't had in a long time. We are talking, move the furniture around (I'm talking to you, piano), get down on the hands and knees with the Pet Hair Magnet* to clean the entire carpet, and just generally "do it up".
*because the vacuum bit the dust, and not in its intended way, many moons ago.

I only have the pics of half the house for now, but as soon as the fed ex guy leaves I am going to take pictures of the rest. Oh my, I've said too much.
Also I can't leave this out....I have another episode of True Blood to watch, PLUS I have the first two books in the series WITH THEIR ORIGINAL COVERS.
I get so pissed off when a movie or a series gets made that is based on a book, then some contractual b*llshit causes the covers to change forever to some stupid movie poster scene.
I mean, that would be like, taking a great album cover and changing it based on whatever douchebag decided to play the songs. Can you imagine? Can you imagine if that poop fiend Kenny G had total creative license to change the album cover to say, "What a Wonderful World"?
Ugh....that'll replace the whale in me nightmares, to quote the sea captain.
These are choppy waters that I tread though, because in making this comparison one might think I do not approve of the television series, which of course, I do...
I just don't approve of HBO's cheesy promo poster for it.
It's funny that I wouldn't like the cheesy promo poster because the show itself is really...just so cheesy. However, I maintain that it's cheese is appealing because of the campy and self-mocking nature that it upholds. Plus, the vampire/human sex is steeeeeeamy! You can't have watched Episode Ten without telling me that you fantasized about someone crawling out of the ground and having their way with you. You just can't. Not even you, mom....just kidding. My mom doesn't get HBO.
Alright, that'll do it for now. It's off to watch that episode then spend about ten hours on Facebook. Then it's off to the eye doctor, where they just might have to call the authorities when they see the telltale signs of internet addiction.....will YOU come visit me in rehab?
Damn you write well!! Oh, and nice P's! (pets, pad and purse)
Ok, I am so far behind on blog reading, LOVE that bag, the colors, the birds...
And oh your dogs, I just want to hug 'em!
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