Around the last few weeks of December I decided that 2009 was going to be a good year. I didn't decide that in hopes that wishing it might make it true. I wasn't waxing all Eckhart Tolle or anything remotely New Agey. Things just lined up in a certain way and I realized that there was much to look forward to. One thing that solidified this belief of future awesomeness was learning that a new Neko Case album was imminent. I have been in such a huge Neko Case phase this past year in particular, the timing couldn't be more perfect.
It's going to be so so so great....but wait! There's more.......
Neko Case has announced that for every blog that posts her new single, she will make a donation to the Best Friends Animal Society. Wow, I guess she could get even more awesome than she already was. This is especially auspicious to me because my wonderful sister got me the Best Gift Ever for my B-day....a trip to Best Friends to work as a volunteer. Stay tuned for more details..
Anyway, here is the single. Enjoy....and mark your calendar for March 3 so that you can march straight out to your nearest independent record store and purchase what is sure to be an unforgettable album. It's called Middle Cyclone...after you listen to the single below, be sure to watch this video, then go forth in awe.
People Got A Lotta Nerve - Neko Case
People Got A Lotta Nerve - Neko Case
1 comment:
Wow - the universe really IS aligning!
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