Western wear has held a special place in my heart ever since my sister sported a blue and white checked western shirt with pearl snaps in elementary school in the seventies. When I first laid eyes on that shirt I immediately knew it had to be mine. To my vast delight, my big sis soon grew out of it and it was my most prized hand me down of all. (I can still hear myself...."yess!") Since then, pearl snaps and embroidered jumping deer always make my heart sing.
Jack Weil, founder of Rockmount Western Wear, died yesterday at the age of...carry the one....holy crap, he was one hundred and seven. Papa Jack worked up until just a few days before he died, not because he had to, but because he loved his work. A lucky man. Rockmount is located in downtown Denver, and they are famous for making the world a better place by being the first to put snap buttons on western shirts. If you have never been, you should get on in there. Here are some examples of what you might find:

Look, there's even something for the kids:

(Young kids, anyway. I would imagine you would get the snot beat out of you if you showed up at school with dancing bison on your chest and a scarf tied around your neck)
You may not realize it, but you have seen Rockmount Western Wear before:

So there you have it. Let's have a moment of silence for the founder of a beautiful thing. Sawtooth pockets and diamond snaps.... I just can't quit you.
I spent an hour this afternoon looking for a picture of that shirt so I could post "you mean THIS one??" Most of the pics I have here are not of that era. But I DID find some other fascinating fashions...believe ME!
I absolutely LOVE your blog! Now I know I will be guaranteed to laugh hysterically at least once a day or however often you post....
Plus it's informative - laffin' and lernin' at the same time.
Papa Jack Weil, the Western Shirt Legend, will always be remembered and admired due to his contributions to western clothing. By the way, aside from the snap button, he is also known as being the originator of the infamous bolo tie...
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