Last night I went to see Nosferatu at Chautauqua, part of their summer silent film series. I read in the paper that it was playing and I bought a ticket right away, but when I got there found an extra bonus: the music was going to be played by piano, accordion, and percussion. Accordion! Anyone that knows me knows that since about February of this year, my life has somewhat revolved around the instrument.
I got there early, positioned myself to sit directly behind the band (which meant my view of the movie was obscured by a high-hat, but whatever...). They improvised the whole score, and it was really great. I was amused several times when, during crucial parts of the movie, you would just hear two voices loudly whispering back and forth:"E MINOR"...."WHAT? A MINOR?" ..."NO, E MINOR!"..etc. All in all, it was really cool, and they did a great job of setting the scene, especially during the creepy parts.
I just kept thinking that Count Orlok reminded me of something I had seen very recently, and the best I could conjure up was this:

Or maybe it was the fact that this whole week I have had a crick in my neck and the way I get out of bed in the morning is not unlike Count Orlok's method.
In any case, it's a great movie, and still terrifying almost 90 years later. I guess it is true what they say, body language is everything.
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